éS Skateboarding - Timeline ab 1995

  • Boardmag
  • 21.05.2010

éS Skateboarding - Timeline ab 1995

éS hat eine neue Micro Seite am Start, die chronologisch seit bestehen der Firma die einzelnen Jahre beleuchtet. Bis jetzt sind die ersten 3 Jahre von 95 – 97 online. Schaut welche Schuhe damals auf den Markt kamen, alte Artikel und geschichtliche Background- Informationen. Wirklich sehr interessant. Have a look…..


Press Release:
éS Skateboarding Launches 15 Year Timeline Website
Los Angeles, CA – Today éS Skateboarding turns a ripe 15 years old and to celebrate your skateboarding heritage, éS created a 15 year timeline website. Join éS every two weeks for the next 6 months as we take an in-depth look at each year of the brand, from its birth as a skate shoe innovator in 1995 all the way to its position today as one of the best-known and most worn skateboarding brands.

We've dug deep into the archives and pulled out a grip load of rare, vintage photos and video of all your favorite éS team riders, shoes, ads, magazine coverage and plenty of other fun stuff, so be sure to check back for new features as they release with special surprises as the years release. It's time to re-experience some of your favorite skateboarding memories, or discover for the first time the history of éS.
Go to: https://www.skateboardingstartswith.es for the new eS timeline website