Hello - Kevin Baekkel
Strong skateboarding from Norway, that´s what Kevin Baekkel brings to the table - and everybody loves it. This guy really knows how to treat any kind of transition right and adds his personal style that you will never forget. He´s got 2nd at Berlin Open this year and discovered the city on two and four wheels, so watch out for Kevin Baekkel!
J. Hey Kevin, where do you come from, where do you live right now and how did you start skateboarding?
K. Hey Joe, I come from a city call Hamar its in Norway. Now I live in Copenhagen best place on earth. I started to skate when I was 9 years old, we got a new concrete skatepark and stated to go there and hang out with the older skaters there.
BS 360 Nosegrab
J. Who inspires you and why?
K. Many people inspires me: John Cardiel, Andrew Reynolds, Grant Taylor. And all my homies because they are always killing it.
J. How do you balance your responsibility as a sponsored skateboarder and your private family life?
K. It works, but I am gone allot. But that´s what I love to do travel and skate with good friends
BS Noseblunt Revert
What happens on tour stays on tour - please forget that and tell us a secret Creature tour story! ;-)
K. There is a many good stories from the creature trip, but I don´t really know what to tell, haha.
J. Any good Berlin memories?
K. Yeah, Berlin was super sick. Just bike around the city and skate spots! And of course we had a blast at FRANKEN bar.
Roll out, Ollie in
J. Next projects? Video part? Interview?
K. Trying to get some good footage in the new creature video and my homies from Copenhagen are making a video so I think I´m going to have part in that!
J. Last words?
K. Talas på Hamar
BS Boneless
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