Darnetal 2008, French National IGSA
02-04 of May
It was the first time in 2008 that we(Beni/swiss, Rebbeka/swiss, Ians/swedish and me Luis/Brazilian)travelled – so we went for a trip to the first IGSA National eventin France.
After a long way (10 hours driving) wearrived there, it was great to meet all the friends in the night, thenight was super cold and wet, pretty hard to sleep in the tent.
The first day (free ride) was amazing,the road was brand new with 3 nice corners (one tight hairpin), wehad so many runs and the weather was crazy like summer. Darnetal wasNational IGSA event but had about 150 riders - I'm sure that Darnetalcan be Continental or World Cup, because the organization was reallygood.

Registered riders in differentcategories :
Downhill Skateboarding Men: 64
Downhill Skateboarding Women: 3
Street Luge Men: 23
Street Luge Women: 4
Classic Luge Men: 22
Classic Luge Women: 6
Inline Men: 34
Inline Women: 3
Skulboard Men: 6
Skullboard Women : 1

The qualify day was pretty hard becausethe standup qualify was after the other disciplines, so we had towait the whole day in the sun. The qualify for standup was supertight, 1.58 was the best time from Bruno Fuchs, but the first 10riders had pretty close runs. On the racing day we had to wait verylong in the sun again for standup, there were so many good riders anda lot of crashes in the heats, but no serious injuries.

Downhill Skateboarding Men: 1 SebastianHertler (GER) 2 Jocelyn Babilot (FRA) 3 Bruno Fuchs (SUI)
Downhill Skateboarding Women: 1Angelina Nobre (FRA) 2 Utah Hang (GER) 3 Rebekka Gemperle (GER)
Street Luge Men: 1 Gauthier Dekyndt(FRA) 2 Peter Eliot (GBR) 3 Stephane Chaperon (FRA)
Street Luge Women: 1 Angelina Nobre(FRA) 2 Carole Riviere (FRA) 3 Severine Mordon (FRA)
Classic Luge Men: 1 Jonathan Blottier(FRA) 2 Pascal Blondeau (FRA) 3 Craig Deltour (FRA)
Classic Luge Women: 1 Carole Riviere(FRA) 2 Angelina Nobre (FRA) 3 Daniela Haller (GER)
Inlne Men: 1 Matthieu Prudent (FRA) 2David Parent (FRA) 3 Nicolas Varin (FRA)
Inline Women: 1 Marjorie Philippoteau(FRA) 2 Severine (FRA) 3 Marie Marchand (FRA)
Skulboard Men: 1 Claude Gesta (FRA) 2Christophe Quintaine (FRA) 3 Yogi Maerz (GER)
Skullboard Women: 1 Christine Caron(CAN)
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